"Lady of Peace" by ~InfiniteFiend

“Lady of Peace” by ~InfiniteFiend

“Sephira’s themes are miracles, victory, success and overcoming. Her symbol is light.  This ancient Cabalistic Goddess embodies divine light-the active, energetic power that flows through the Universe in all directions. Thus, it is no coincidence that the ten spheres on the Tree of Life are called Sephirah, for this Goddess guides our way and path with Her radiance.

Chanukah (Hannukah) commemorates the rebellion of the Jews against the Syrians, in which a miracle took place. A small bottle of oil stayed lit for eight days, keeping the temple consecrated until more oil could be brought.

Since Sephira is the light of miracles, today’s a good time to focus on seemingly impossible goals or situations that you may have set aside or left behind in discouragement. Revisit those dreams; reconsider the logistics of those circumstances. If there is a better way to approach things, Sephira will illuminate that path or options for you in your meditations.

Make sure to turn on light sources today, and open curtains to let natural light into your home. Symbolically, this welcomes Sephira’s active power into your spiritual life and quest. Also consider following with Jewish tradition and giving coins to friends or family. These tokens draw financial security. Or, eat potato pancakes for providence.”

(Patricia Telesco, “365 Goddess: a daily guide to the magic and inspiration of the goddess”.)

Again today, my research found nothing a specific Goddess named Sephira.  I found that “in kabbalistic thought, a Sephira is a channel for the Divine energy we know as the life-force. The Kabbalah describes an intermediate stage that came about as an emanation of God’s infinite light and which was created during the process of Creation. This intermediate stage consists of ten channels and is experienced by human beings as finite reality. These channels are known as the Ten Sephirot.

The Sephirot interact through a series of interconnecting channels or ‘Tzinorot.’ These channels illustrate the way in which Divine energy imbues all of Creation. The connections show how the Sephirot can interconnect to create subgroups. All the subgroups containing a given Sephira will reflect a common theme.


The Kabbalah Diagram from the Tree of Life Teachings

The Sephirot are divided into three groupings of three. Each group of three consists of three levels: right, center, left. The first group of three concerns the powers of the mind and includes Da’at or Keter, Chochmah (Wisdom), and Binah (Intuition). The second group of three consists of the heart’s emotions as they exist prior to any action. This grouping consists of Chessed (Loving kindness), Gevurah (Courage), and Tiferet (Glory). The third group of three is concerned with behavior and actions and consists of Netzach (Eternity), Hod (Majesty), Yesod (Basis). This last grouping also concerns the emotions, but only as they become manifest through behavior.

The endpoint is Malchut (Kingdom) and is sometimes seen as an extension of the third group of three and sometimes as an independent state of being that takes in the energies of the other Sephirot and is what emerges as a result of all the soul has experienced.” [1]




Safed.co.il, “Divine Energy“.


Suggested Links:

Afilalo, Raphael. 160 Questions on the Kabbalah.

Amaluxherbal.com, “The Kabbalah made Practical“.

Corax.com, “The Tree of Life“.

d’Este, Sorita. Themagicalbuffet.com, “The Goddess, Wicca & the Qabalah“.

Harrison, Jeff & Karen Charboneau-Harrison. Isisbooks.com, “QABALISTIC MAGIC ARTICLE LESSON 3: History And Differences Between Orthodox Hebrew Qabalah And Western Esoteric Qabalah“.

Inner.org, “The Ten Sefirot: Introduction“.

Treeoflifeteachings.com, “What is the Kabbalah?

Wikipedia, “Sephirot“.

Wikipedia, “Tree of Life (Kabbalah)“.