Category: Uncategorized

2014 – Year of the Horse

“It’s the beginning of a new year – 2014, the year of horse. In religion, mythology and literature, horse represents our inner strength and driving force in life. It also symbolizes our ability to overcome obstacles in life and pursue our goals no matter what may stand on our way.

It’s time to let go of self-defeating thoughts, shed off self-limiting beliefs, and remove barriers to positive changes.

It’s time to uncover who we truly are, express our creativity and authenticity, and unleash our goddess powers from within.

It’s time to stay centered and grounded, and walk confidently in the direction of our dreams.

Because we’re goddesses who can no longer be denied – by ourselves, or by others.” – Jing J. from

Here are the 7 super powers we all have as goddesses!

A little something from my other blog that I would really like to start catching up on and writing in again. Happy New Year everyone! May it be filled with love and joy – taking the lessons we’ve learned in 2013 and applying them to help us fulfill our true potential!!! ❤

Full Cold Moon – December

Sorry guys – didn’t have time to add in the fun links this time around.

Journeying to the Goddess

The Farmer’s Almanac tells us that this full Moon, the Full Cold Moon; or the Full Long Nights Moon the winter cold fastens its grip, and nights are at their longest and darkest. It is also sometimes called the Moon before Yule [if it actually falls before Yule]. The term Long Night Moon is a doubly appropriate name because the midwinter night is indeed long, and because the Moon is above the horizon for a long time. The midwinter full Moon has a high trajectory across the sky because it is opposite a low Sun.

“December Moon is also known as Oak Moon, Cold Moon, Winter Moon, and Wolf Moon. This is the time of the Dark Lord, with the Oak being his symbol. It is the time of rebirth. The zodiac association is Sagittarius.”


DECEMBER: Cold Moon (December) Also known as: Oak Moon, Wolf Moon, Moon of Long Nights, Long…

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Thanksgiving Blessings

“May the blessing of the Shining Ones come your way on this Thanksgiving Day and all days.

May these blessings come your way, to cherished friends and loved ones, to brighten each and every day.

Let them be a reminder that life’s beauty is everywhere and bring the happy reassurance that there are those who care.

May this day bring a Thankful heart, a special faith that never will grow old, and the warmest, dearest memories that any heart could hold. May the Shining Ones bless all with warm memories of past years and wonderful moments in the years to come.

May your word of the day be ‘Gratitude’.

Happy Thanksgiving and Blessed Be!” – Rev. Ron (Liomsa) Latevola


Loved this!!!


Hot nature. June 2013 037
Humid thickness
of life
and passion.

Sticky spirit
melting senses
sleepy mind
moving through
watery air.

Mosquitoes whine
ticks lurk
Summer is here.

She’s heavy
watery June 2013 007

Summer has come to the woods
Summer has bitten my thigh
Summer whines in my ear
Summer waits
for my ideas to bear fruit
rich, juicy, sweet.


The Summer Solstice issue of The Oracle is out and contains a slightly revised version of my Womanenergy post:

Womenergy moved humanity across continents, birthed civilization, invented agriculture, conceived of art and writing, pottery, sculpture, and drumming, painted cave walls, raised sacred stones and built Goddess temples. It rises anew during ritual, sacred song, and drumming together. It says She Is Here. I Am Here. You Are Here and We Can Do This. It speaks through women’s hands, bodies, and heartsongs. Felt in hope, in tears, in blood, and in…

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“This is the time when the fullness of the Mother is evident in the lushness of growth around us. It is when the crops are ripening in the sun; the time the honey bee gathers in sweetness. We celebrate this season with dance, bonfires, and yes, sexual pleasure. This is the revelry of Midsummer and the Dance of Fire…” ~ Deanne Quarrie

Deanne QuarrieIn Celtic Tradition our world is composed of Three Realms, those of Land, Sea, and Sky. In the midst of these Realms we find the Sacred Grove, the place of flowing together. There the Sacred Fire burns, by the Well of Wisdom, beneath the World Tree. Sacred Fire is that which weaves itself throughout the Three Realms.  It connects us and all of life to the Realms as well as to our gods and goddesses.  Fire is Sacred Spirit, Sacred Inspiration, without which life would have no meaning.

Fire is the spark, the flame, the heat of passion.  It is what ignites our creativity, fuels our passion and fires our hearts to love.  It is the Dance of Life, the joy found in movement, sexual energy and the warmth that germinates new life in seeds. It is the warmth of sunlight on our skin and the ecstatic pleasure of orgasm.

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“In honor of Mother’s Day, I wanted to explore the spiritual journey of motherhood, through goddesses, symbols, and my own thoughts. Whether you are a mother yourself or not, I hope that this speaks to you, as we all – mother or not, man or woman – have these energies within us, and we all have this opportunity to move from our personal loves to universal love to knowing ourselves as love.” ~ Mommy Mystic

Mommy Mystic

Two things are asked of us as we move through the journey that is motherhood – that we open our hearts ever wider, and that we let go, let go, let go. Motherhood is a journey of loving and letting go. The same can be said of the journey of awakening, of enlightenment. Historically this wasn’t recognized by most of the world’s major spiritual traditions, which honored monasticism and retreat from the world as the greatest pathways to spiritual realization. But now that is changing, and we are finding ways for our lives to be our paths, as mothers, as career women, as everything that we are.

In honor of Mother’s Day, I wanted to explore the spiritual journey of motherhood, through goddesses, symbols, and my own thoughts. Whether you are a mother yourself or not, I hope that this speaks to you, as we all – mother or not…

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Wonderful, delightful and informational! “Message To You From Spiritblogger:

May is a good month to let the magic work in your life. Let go of trying to control situations, circumstance, people, and outcomes. Hold new hope without expectation and create new life, projects, perspectives, and adopt new ways of thinking, being, and doing. It is a good time to form unions and bonds with others and with self. Let this be a time to attract new elements into your life so that they can join together for a greater purpose and function and allow you visibility into the unknown; your future; your life which you are actively creating each day.” ~ Thank you for your magical message Spiritblogger!!! ❤

Spiritblogger's Blog


Happy Beltane Spiritblogger Fans!
May Day is fast approaching and I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all your love523371_493853787340916_1964626020_n, light, and support for the site! Thanks for all your emails and feedback – I really appreciate each and every message you’ve sent! I’ve really enjoyed running this blog for the last four years since my first post in May of 2009.

While my blog used to be a daily post, working full time, and having a new baby, it has now become posting an important message for the moment since everyone may come across each post and topic in their own time and in their own perfect moment. It is in that moment of discovery, that it will hopefully resonate with you, your being, life, and re-spark your imagination and memory to remind you of your soul…

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First off, let me say that my heart and prayers go out to Boston tonight after the tragedy that struck there today.  Despite the unfactual information being put out by the New York Post, we do not know who is behind this or what their motive was, but we do know that 3 people are dead – including an 8 year old boy and 140+ (176 is the last number I just heard in a live press conference) people injured.  Healing energies sent to Boston this night…


From Stifyn Emrys

What makes this even more tragic and seems to send some type of message, is that the 2 bomb incidents that detonated were placed in the last mile of the marathon dedicated to the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting massacre.  Despite the horror of the aftermath, many people pulled together to offer aid and assistance where they could and I wanted to share some of the stories with you:

Stories of Kindness After the Bombing

12 Examples of People Being Awesome After the Attack on the Boston Marathon

Heroic First Responders at the Boston Marathon (PHOTOS)

It’s stories like these of these unsung heroes that give me hope and faith in humanity.

I especially found what Donna Hamilton wrote this evening to be very profound:

“May Boston Be The Moment When The Healing Tide Turns . . .

Perhaps it is time for a massive FEELING FESTIVAL where everyone is brought together to let it all out. The hidden hurt, the guilt, the shame, the need to blame and the desire to be right at any cost . . . So much of what is building in an uncontrollable way is the inner power of love that is pushing all things unloving to the surface so it is transformed. We must honour our feelings and trust them to guide us through the darkest hours. Even when we cannot understand the greater purpose in why we feel what we feel – it must be REVEALED TO BE HEALED.”

If you so feel moved to do something or help, please visit this link to see what you can do – Boston Bombing Aftermath: How You Can Help.


From SHARIng (Sunshine & Love) with SHARI

Saturn went retrograde February 18 this year and will continue to be so until July 7.  As I was picking runes yesterday and today, I was reflecting on what I was told at February’s Full Moon, about how during Saturn in retrograde “gives us the opportunity to go back and reorganize or renegotiate any activities or commitments that seem to be a source of frustration” [1].  Yesterday, again – Sowilo; also Tiwaz and Algiz.  I initially thought that these had to do with my recent decision to treat my current medical condition naturally vs with hormone injections.  While yes, I do think they have been indicating to go that route, I feel as though they have been trying to tell me to finally sit down and submit VA claim paperwork (especially Tiwaz yesterday dealing with courage, honesty and justice) as issues stemming from my time spent on Active Duty also have been causing me much frustration from my subconscious.

"Valkyrie" by ~Edli

“Valkyrie” by ~Edli

Before I started the claim process today and digging through old paperwork to find supporting medical documents, etc., I drew a single rune – Algiz: rune of protection and opportunity, rune of strengthening of hamingja; “the image of the Valkyrie in mythology is fully representative of the way in which the energies of Algiz work to protect you. Meditating on the image of a Valkyrie in her teacher, swan and warrior forms is a powerful method of invoking Algiz energy” [2].

So, with hands shaking and heart pounding as I recounted events and put them into words on the computer screen, I hit the “submit” button and have more documents to scan and fax.  On one hand, it is a relief, but on another it’s kind of nerve wracking because I don’t know what else the VA will want as far as further examinations and/or paperwork and documentation other than what I have or what the outcome will be.  I’m hoping that facing these “demons” (and hopefully not having to have a confrontation with one who has caused so much strife) will melt the ice – Isa – that has been popping up here and there, especially back in early February.

Again referring to Saturn in retrograde, “Saturn is in a fixed water sign Scorpio, and this can portend a time of self discovery, with more inner show downs during the retrograde period. Don’t forget that Scorpio is a sign of emotional courage — this bodes well for profound healing, facing what we’ve been too afraid to face.”

One way this can manifest is by becoming aware of these parts of the self that are in deep freeze. With Saturn so close to Neptune, for much of the retrograde, the arts and spiritual practices are tools for self-transformation. The gift there is the release, and more of the soul’s energy is with you, in the present. If you’ve felt that a part (or parts) of you are out of range somehow, this is a good time to gently coax them out of the shadows…” [3]

And now, I wait…

Exploring the F-word in religion at the intersection of scholarship, activism, and community.


Coralie Raia's Writing Road Blog

Moody Moons

A Celebration of the Seasons & the Spirit

Nicole Evelina - USA Today Bestselling Author

Stories of Strong Women from History and Today

Eternal Haunted Summer

pagan songs & tales

Whispers of Yggdrasil

A personal journal to share my artistic works, to write about Norse shamanism and traditional paganism, European History, Archaeology, Runes, Working with the Gods and my personal experiences in Norse shamanic practices.

Sleeping Bee Studio

Art, Design, Batik & Murals

Pagan at Heart

At peace with myself and the world... or at least headed that way

McGlaun Massage Therapy, LLC

Real Healing for the Real You


- A Modern Viking Blog written by an Ancient Soul -

Seven Trees Farm

Diversified subsistence farming in Whatcom County, WA since 2005

The World According to Hazey

I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right. I'm the Witch. You're the world.

Migdalit Or

Veils and Shadows

Of Axe and Plough

Anglo-Saxon Heathenry and Roman Polytheism

Walking the Druid Path

Just another site

body divine yoga

unlock your kundalini power, ignite your third eye, awaken your inner oracle

Joyous Woman! with Sukhvinder Sircar

Leadership of the Divine Feminine

The Raven's Knoll Quork

Spirituality - Nature - Community - Sacred Spaces - Celebration

Journeying to the Goddess

Journey with me as I research, rediscover and explore the Goddess in Her many aspects, forms and guises...


trapped in the broom closet

Rune Wisdom

Ancient Sacred Knowledge - Daily Wisdom Practices: A place to explore Runic relevance in today's world.

Sarenth Odinsson

Heathen Spirit Worker

Stone of Destiny

Musings of a Polytheistic Nature

1000 petals by axinia

the only truth I know is my own experience

Sea Dreams and Other Queer Things

Mostly reviews from a lesbian feminist nerd

Flame in Bloom

Dancing for Freyja

Golden Trail

A wayfarer's path

The Druid's Well

Falling in Love with the Whole World

Georgia Heathen Society's Blog

Heathen's in Georgia

art and healing Blog

Art heals yourself, others, community and the earth

My Moonlit Path.....

The Story of My Everyday Life.....

Raising Natural Kids

Because knowledge is the key to making informed decisions for your family.

Philip Carr-Gomm

Philip Carr Gomm

The Northern Grove

Celebrating Pagan History and Culture of Northern Europe

The Belle Jar

"Let me live, love and say it well in good sentences." - Sylvia Plath

The Witch of Forest Grove

Animism, Folk Magic, and Spirit Work in the Pacific Northwest


Exploring the intersection between Nature, the Goddess, art, and poetry as well as the practical work of priestessing.


Following the Call of the Land

The Goddess of Sacred Sex

Opening to the sacred in your lovemaking