“Let the Flames Begin” by Sir Flighty Pencil

“Huchi’s themes are harvest, energy, cleansing and health. Her symbols are fire, light and energy sources.  This Japanese fire Goddess keeps our internal fire burning to give us the energy necessary for completing whatever projects are at hand. She also uses Her fires to cleanse the human body and protect it from disease.

Aomori Nebuta is a ritual in Japan that was designed to help farmers stay awake for longer intervals in order to complete their harvesting duties. By making an effigy of the sand figurine, they hope to appease the spirit of sleep and finish their tasks.


So, when you need to keep a fire under a project or be a little more alert for the tasks at hand, turn on a light or ignite a candle. This activates Huchi’s power in your living space.

Alternativley, get a little sand from a beach or a child’s sandbox and empower it saying,

‘Each pinch I take keeps me awake.’

Keep this handy when you’re working. Whenever you feel a little weary, release a pinch of sand to the winds or the earth to refresh your energy.

For health-related matters, I suggest dressing warmly or taking a warm bath. As you do, meditate and visualize yourself in white, purifiying flames that collect all your tensions or sickness and burn them away painlessly. Huchi lives in both the warmth and the fires of your vision.”

(Patricia Telesco, “365 Goddess: a daily guide to the magic and inspiration of the goddess”.)

“Huchi-Fuji” by Kris Walherr

I believe that this Goddess is related to or an aspect of the fire Goddess Fuchi (see my July 15th’s entry on the Goddess Fuchi).  “Fuchi (Huchi) Fuchi was venerated as patroness of the household and cooking by the ancient Ainu people, and was a Goddess of healing who ‘purifies the body from disease.’ Also called Huchi or Apermeru-ko-yan-mat, in Japan She is the first Goddess approached in prayer, considered the intermediary between gods and humanity. She is venerated in this form, Sengen-sama, in the temple atop Mt. Fuji.” [1]




Marks, Dominic. Chinaroad Löwchen, Japanese Goddess Names“.



Suggested Links:

Mysticwicks.com, “Thread: Huchi“.

Roberts, Jeremy. Japanese Mythology A to Z, “Fuchi (Huchi)“.

Waldherr, Kris. Goddess Inspiration Oracle, “Huchi-Fuchi“.