"White Shell Woman" by Susan Seddon Boulet

“Auchimalgen’s themes are protection and blessing.  Her symbols are silver or lunar items, water and white flowers. A Chilean Goddess of the moon, Auchimalgen protects us from all evil and disasters that lie in wait in the months ahead. Her husband is the sun, who blesses the land with light, while she shines through the darkness to keep her followers safe and inspired.

Count your blessings today, and give thanks for them. In our rushed society, this is something that often gets overlooked, and life is far more pleasant when we appreciate the little things.

Wear any sliver-colored clothing or jewelry to honor Auchimalgen, and burn some lunar incense (coconut, jasmine, lemon or myrrh) to fill the sacred space of your home with Her protection.

The Bonfim Festival takes place in Brazil today in a church known as the ‘church of happy endings’ because it was built by s ship’s captain in gratitude for a safe return to land. The priests of the area wash the steps of the church with flower water to cleanse and bless the sacred place anew, and as a way of thanking the gods for their ongoing kindness.

In keeping with this tradition, sprinkle the doorway to  your home with any floral-scented water (or personal cologne or perfume) to draw Auchimalgen’s beneficent energies to you.”

(Patricia Telesco, “365 Goddess: a daily guide to the magic and inspiration of the goddess”.)

Auchimalgen was a Moon Goddess who was worshipped by the Araucanian Mapuche that reside in what is now south-central Chile and southwestern Argentina. She was considered their only beneficial deity; for only Auchimalgen cared anything for the human race.  All the rest of their gods were utterly malevolent. Auchimalgen wards off evil spirits and protects against disasters and is said to turn red when some important person is about to die.