“Goddess of Lughnasadh” by Shadowmagi

“The Goddess of Reason’s themes are logic, reasoning, learning and the conscious mind. Her symbols are a crown of oak leaves (representing the seat of the divine). While this lady had no other specific designation other than the Goddess of Reason, She dispenses the power of knowledge to those who seek Her. The French honored this Goddess with celebrations at Notre Dame, the world’s most acclaimed center of scholarship. Traditionally, the women depicting Her wore a blue robe and red cap, then were crowned in laurel at the end of a processional.

To improve awareness and logical abilities, tuck a bay leaf in your shoe today so the Goddess of Reason walks with you. Or, wear any garment with predominantly blue or red coloring to invoke Her powers through color therapy!

Today is an excellent day to take up any course of study you’ve been considering. Burn incense blended from dried sage (for wisdom), rosemary (for memory improvement), and mint (for alertness). If possible, pre-prepare the incense at noon to accent conscious awareness and the rational self. Move your study tools through the smoke of the incense, saying:

“Goddess of Reason, see my desire
Ignite in me knowledge’s fire!”

Finally, wax an oak leaf (press it in waxed paper with an iron) and keep it in a book that you’re studying. This keeps reason with you while you read.”

(Patricia Telesco, “365 Goddess: a daily guide to the magic and inspiration of the goddess”.)

So here’s what I found on this “Goddess of Reason”…

“During the French Revolution, on 10 November 1793, a Goddess of Reason (most likely representing Sophia (wisdom)) was proclaimed by the French Convention at the suggestion of Chaumette. As personification for the Goddess, Sophie Momoro, wife of the printer Antoine-François Momoro, was chosen. The Goddess was celebrated in Notre Dame de Paris (She was put on the high altar in the Cathedral).” [1]

“Mademoiselle Maillard” by Jean Francois Garneray

Now, other sources (mainly Catholic and a few anti-Illuminati sites) say that a prostitute, half clothed, was laid out on the altar.  They say the part of the Goddess was played by Marie-Therese Davoux (nicknamed Mademoiselle Maillard), a French opera singer/dancer, who was crowned as the Goddess of Reason at the Festival of Reason.  However, Wikipedia states that it was Sophie Momoro (née Fournier), who played the part of the Goddess at the cult’s infamous “Festival of Reason” on 20 Brumaire, Year II (November 10, 1793). [2]

Procession of the Goddess of Reason by Henri Renaud

On Bartleby.com, it reads: “The Goddess of Reason was enthroned by the French Convention at the suggestion of Chaumette; and the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris was desecrated for the purpose. The wife of Momoro the printer was the best of these goddesses. The procession was attended by the municipal officers and national guards, while troops of ballet girls carried torches of truth. Incredible as it may seem, Gobet (the Archbishop of Paris), and nearly all the clergy stripped themselves of their canonicals, and, wearing red nightcaps, joined in this blasphemous mockery. So did Julien of Toulouse, a Calvinistic minister.

“Mrs. Momoro, it is admitted, made one of the best goddesses of Reason, though her teeth were a little defective.”—Carlyle: French Revolution, vol. iii. book v. 4.





Bartleby.com, “Goddess of Reason“.

Wikipedia,”Antoine-François Momoro“.

Wikipedia, “Goddess of Reason“.



Suggested Links:

Birkhead, Alice. Heritage-history.com, “Story of the French Revolution“.

Chair, Renée Casin. Napoleonicsociety.com, Marie-Therese Davoux, nicknamed Mademoiselle Maillard (1766-1856)“.

Doorzicht.eventwebsitebuilder.com, “Festival of Reason“.

Hollis, Edward. The Secret Lives of Buildings, “Notre Dame de Paris“.

Hughman, James. Nourishingobscurity.blogspot.com, “[goddess of reason] whom to believe“.

Jamesford. Patheos.com, “Recalling the Goddess of Reason“.

Wikipedia, “Cult of Reason“.