“Hara Ke’s themes are spring, weather, providence, harvest and growth.  Her symbols are seeds, soil, rain, water and dragon images.  An African Goddess of sweet water (which also equates with the gentle spring rains) Hara Ke comes into our lives and spring with gentle, growth-inspiring refreshment. According to legend She lives under the river Niger with two dragons in attendance, caring for the souls who await rebirth, just as earth awaits its reawakening with spring.

People in Namibia pull out all their garden tools and seeds and bless them today before the sowing season starts. This ensures a good harvest and plentiful rains, the water of Hara Ke’s spirit. If you garden or tinker with window pots, this tradition holds merit. Just sprinkle your tools and seeds with a little spring water or rainwater, when visualize the seeds being filled with pale green light (like new sprouts).

Alternatively, sprinkle your own aura, first going counter clockwise to was away residual sickness or tension, then going clockwise to invoke Hara Ke. As you sprinkle the water, say:

Hara Ke, renew in me a sense of refreshed ability
To my spirit, growth impart
Make your home my heart.’

If you’re pressed for time, you can recite this in your morning shower or while doing the laundry (during the rinse cycle). The latter allows you to figuratively don Hara Ke’s attributes with your clothing whenever you need them. “

(Patricia Telesco, “365 Goddess: a daily guide to the magic and inspiration of the goddess”.)

This Goddess was EXTREMELY elusive!  The only mention I found made of Her was in a book called “Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses” by Michael Jordan. “Goddess of sweet water. Songhai [Niger, West Africa].  Considered to live beneath the waters in the tributaries of the river Niger, attended by two dragon, Godi and Goru.  The spirits of the dead believed to live in a paradise city in the depths of the Niger.” [1]


Jordan, Michael. Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, “Hara Ke” at p. 112.